Monday, November 12, 2007

I happily sent the following email to the CEO of our company today...


I was just wondering why the new Gale warehouse was rented to solve parking issues when we have much larger issues here at the Customer Service warehouse? It is a health hazzard for us to be working in an environment infested with rats and rat droppings. People could get seriously ill (resulting in lawsuits). N***** would not be what it is without the outstanding customer service we provide. I don't feel that we are being treated like the great company asset that we are. It is my opinion that our priorities are a bit twisted.

Please visit this link on health problems that may be caused by rat droppings, etc.

Here is also a link to OSHA if anyone is extremely offended by the rat situation and would like to file a complaint.

(I seriously hate this place. Just a few more months and I'll be about 3,000 miles away. Thank god.)

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