Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I would really like to open an online art shop soon, but I'll be moving in a few months and I really don't have any extra time or money right now. I also don't have any space in the house to do any art (or anything else for the matter). I'll be moving to the east coast in February/March after my sister's wedding. I'm sure I'll have alot more time and plenty of space for my art when I'm out there. Very much looking forward to that. You have no idea. For now, I guess I'll post my ideas and any new artwork I have. All the old stuff will have to wait until later because most of it is in storage. Hmmm...I'm at work right now. It's draining the life out of me. This is one of the most boring jobs in the known has to be. I want out. Ahhh...

I miss everything...

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